Indy Brew Review Blog, update #1

Tyler Lingle
3 min readDec 15, 2020

Hello brewery friends!

My number one goal with starting my Indy Brewery reviews was to get the conversation rolling about great beer brewed right here in our hometown, Indianapolis. To that end, I foresee some long-form content coming soon in the form of conversations but also, this, a mini-blog!!!

I wanted to give every a little backstory and introduction into my brewery journey, as cheesy as that is to say.

The first brewery I fell in love with was Black Acre Brewing Co. right here in my own neighborhood, Irvington. But, I actually fell in love with Black Acre long before (okay not that long before) I made the move into the city. I loved to sit out on the patio and sip on a light beer out by Washington street. It was just all good vibes. (This is also back when the mere taste of an IPA would make me gag…we’ve made it a long ways.)

Black Acre, the OG spot

Then, I realized there was a whole world of breweries in Indianapolis, each with their own unique dimensions and flavors. After a couple years making my rounds, I needed an outlet. Which brings us to this wonderful moment.

Here’s a quick run-down of what’s on my mind Indy-brewing wise and other randomness…:

Why should we listen to you? You shouldn’t! Go visit all the breweries yourself! I’ve just been to most, multiple times for many, and I am a very opinionated and love to philosophize on coffee, beer, food, and other non-critical matters.

Breweries I’ve visited the most recently: Upland Brewing, BrewDog, Black Acre, Indiana City, and Guggman Haus. Somehow or another, these wound up being my most frequent visits. I don’t think they are necessarily the best in the city, but I do think they are all top tier.

Would I say there are any bad breweries in the city? Yes, I would. Not many, because of course they don’t last as long. My reviews will reveal which ones I’d advise people to avoid. However, even these poor brewery souls still have *something* to bring to the table. Fortunately, Indy has SO many good breweries. We truly are one step behind a city like Grand Rapids or Denver. In my opinion, we are just missing a large macro-brewery or super-famous micro-brewery, a la Founders or Coors.

What types of beers do I enjoy the most? My tastes jump around A LOT! At some time or another I’ve been fantastical about almost every type — from Belgians to Stouts/ Porters to IPA’s to Domestics to Pilsners, etc. (I’d claim this is why I can be a more objective reviewer, but that’s probably baloney.) Right now, I’m on a huge IPA / Pale Ale kick that I can’t seem to shake, even though it’s darker beer season. I’m watching many YouTube videos and listening to a few podcasts to get way too educated on brewing and beer types. (I’d highly recommend listening to Good Brew Hunting podcast if you geek out over this stuff.)

Where am I going to review next? I’ve visited and reviewed more east-side breweries recently. This is mostly due to the fact that I live closer by those, in Irvington. I’m going to hopefully a few hyper-popular ones on the Far Southside and some on the Westside soon (Daredevil notably).

Do I have a hunch which will wind up on top? No! I’m purposely trying to see every brewery with frees eyes (and palette).

Isn’t all of this over the top? Yes.

I’d love to hear from everyone on their preferred spots (and why!) and what local brews are the favorites. In the meantime, cheers! 🍻



Tyler Lingle

Follower of God. Entrepreneur. Real Estate Agent + Investor. Habits / Fitness.